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As long as trolls are still trolling, the Rick will never stop rolling. Single Collection Crazy Ken Band Rar' title='Single Collection Crazy Ken Band Rar' />Princess Leia Wikipedia. Princess Leia. Star Wars character. Promotional photo of Fisher as Princess Leia for Star Wars 1. First appearance. Star Wars 1. 97. Created by. George Lucas. Portrayed by. Voiced by. Information. Aliases. Boushh Return of the JediGender. Female. Occupation. Supreme commander of the Resistance. Republic Senator of Alderaan formerlyImperial Senate Ambassador formerlyPrincess of Alderaan. Legends Chief of State of the New Republic. Jedi Knight. Affiliation. Title. Family. SpousesHan Solo. Children. Relatives. Homeworld. Alderaan homeworldPolis Massa birthplacePrincess Leia Organa of Alderaan also Senator Leia Organa or General Leia Organa is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed in films by Carrie Fisher. Introduced in the original Star Wars film in 1. Leia is princess of the planet Alderaan, a member of the Imperial Senate and an agent of the Rebel Alliance. She thwarts the sinister Sith Lord. Darth Vader and helps bring about the destruction of the Empires cataclysmic superweapon, the Death Star. In The Empire Strikes Back 1. Leia commands a Rebel base and evades Vader as she falls in love with the smuggler, Han Solo. In Return of the Jedi 1. Leia leads the operation to rescue Han from the crime lord. Jabba the Hutt, and is revealed to be Vaders daughter and the twin sister of Luke Skywalker. The prequel film Revenge of the Sith 2. Senator and former queen Padm Amidala of Naboo, who dies after childbirth. Leia is adopted by Senator Bail and Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan. In The Force Awakens 2. Leia is the founder and General of the Resistance against the First Order and has a son with Han named Ben, who goes by the name Kylo Ren. In the original Star Wars expanded universe 1. Leia continues her adventures with Han and Luke after Return of the Jedi, fighting Imperial resurgences and new threats to the galaxy. She becomes the Chief of State of the New Republic and a Jedi Master, and is the mother to three children by Han Jaina, Jacen and Anakin Solo. One of the more popular Star Wars characters, Leia has been called a 1. She has appeared in many derivative works and merchandising, and has been referenced or parodied in several TV shows and films. Her cinnamon buns hairstyle from Star Wars 1. Return of the Jedi have become cultural icons. Creation and castingeditLeia was created by Star Wars creator George Lucas. In 1. 99. 9, Lucas explained his early development of Leia, Luke and Obi Wan Kenobi The first version talked about a princess and an old general. The second version involved a father, his son, and his daughter the daughter was the heroine of the film. Now the daughter has become Luke, Mark Hamills character. There was also the story of two brothers where I transformed one of them into a sister. The older brother was imprisoned, and the young sister had to rescue him and bring him back to their dad. Film historian Laurent Bouzereau notes in his 1. Star Wars The Annotated Screenplays that in the rough draft of Star Wars, Leia is the spoiled teenage daughter of King Kayos and Queen Breha of Aquilae, with two brothers, Biggs and Windy Biggs returned to the fourth draft as a childhood friend of Luke. According to Skywalking The Life and Films of George Lucas 1. Luke Skywalker was originally Luke Starkiller and Leia was the daughter of Owen Lars and his wife Beru and seems to be Lukes cousintogether they visit the grave of his mother, who perished with his father on a planet destroyed by the Death Star. J. W. Rinzler explains in The Making of Star Wars The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film 2. Leia as Leia Antilles, the daughter of Bail Antilles from the peaceful world of Organa Major. In the fourth draft it was established that Leia Organa came instead from Alderaan. Fisher was 1. Princess Leia,6 with actresses including Amy Irving, Cindy Williams and Jodie Foster also up for the role. In 2. Ink. Tank reported that the extended list of more than two dozen actresses who had auditioned for Leia included Glenn Close, Farrah Fawcett, Jessica Lange, Sissy Spacek, Sigourney Weaver, Cybill Shepherd, Jane Seymour, Anjelica Huston, Kim Basinger, Kathleen Turner, Geena Davis and Meryl Streep. Asked about Streep in 2. Fisher said, Ive never heard that one. But Jodie Foster was up for it. I knew the most. Amy Irving and Jodie. And I got it. 1. The second draft of the Return of the Jedi screenplay contained dialogue in which Obi Wan tells Luke he has a twin sister. She and their mother were sent to the protection of friends in a distant system. The mother died shortly thereafter, and Lukes sister was adopted by Bens friends, the governor of Alderaan and his wife. Soul Calibur 2 Iso Gc Download. Fisher explained in 1. Leias real father left her mother when she was pregnant, so her mother married this King Organa. I was adopted and grew up set apart from other people because I was a princess. Composer John Williams created a musical leitmotif for Leia which recurs throughout the Star Wars saga. Princess Leias Theme was recorded as a concert suite 4 1. CharactereditAnthony Breznican of Entertainment Weekly describes Leia as a diplomat, spy, warrior, undercover agent. Mark Edlitz calls her a smart, feisty, brave diplomat and warrior in The Huffington Post. Fisher told Rolling Stone in 1. There are a lot of people who dont like my character in these movies they think Im some kind of space bitch. She has no friends, no family her planet was blown up in seconds. From the first film Star Wars, she was just a soldier, front line and center. The only way they knew to make the character strong was to make her angry. In Return of the Jedi, she gets to be more feminine, more supportive, more affectionate. She said in 2. 01. I would rather have played Han Solo. When I first read the script I thought thats the part to be, always wry and sardonic. Hes always that. I feel like a lot of the time Leias either worried or pissed or, thank God, sort of snarky. But Im much more worried and pissed than Han Solo ever was, and those arent fun things to play. I had a lot of fun killing Jabba the Hutt. They asked me on the day if I wanted to have a stunt double kill Jabba. No Thats the best time I ever had as an actor. And the only reason to go into acting is if you can kill a giant monster. AppearanceseditFeature filmseditStar WarseditIntroduced in the original 1. Star Wars, Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan is a member of the Imperial Senate. She is captured by Darth Vader on board the ship Tantive IV, where she is acting as a spy for the Rebel Alliance. Leia has secretly hidden the plans for the Death Star, the Empires moon sized battle station, inside the astromech droid. R2 D2 and has sent it to find one of the last remaining Jedi, Obi Wan Kenobi, on the nearby planet of Tatooine. Vader arrests Leia and has her tortured, but she resists revealing anything. Death Star commander Grand Moff Tarkin threatens to destroy her home planet Alderaan with the Death Star unless she reveals the location of the hidden Rebel base. She provides the location of an old, abandoned base, but Tarkin orders Alderaan to be destroyed anyway. Leia is rescued by Obi Wan, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, the Wookiee. Chewbacca and the two droids R2 D2 and C 3. PO, and they escape aboard Hans ship, the Millennium Falcon.