Vox Amplifier Serial Numbers

Vox/VX%20Series/images/Vox-VX-Series-Family.jpg' alt='Vox Amplifier Serial Numbers' title='Vox Amplifier Serial Numbers' />Duvidal FT66 Mini Tape Recorder, 1962. You might think that collecting cheap, miniature, reeltoreel tape recorders from the 1960s would be a reasonably. Product-banners_0051_DSL100H1-1024x512.jpg' alt='Vox Amplifier Serial Numbers' title='Vox Amplifier Serial Numbers' />Swart Amplifier Reviews Customer CommentsMan. Im just blown away  . Cambridge Road ClactononSea Essex CO15 3QJ 01255 474 292 Email salescoastalcomms. For price availability, please email salescoastalcomms. Too many to count. There are so many comments from Swart owners pouring in weekly, that its. Everyone from Jeff Tweedy. Dean Wareham, Joe Santiago, John Flansburgh, Paul Leary, Greg V, and on and. Swarts. Many more comments are linked from the NEWS. The response has simply been astounding and its so great to hear from. Thanks again khIve been. Atomic Space Tone. Ive ever played through. It will be a long time. I plug into anything else. Ive been playing through these amps about. I got them There is no other amp in the world that Id. You have delivered me the tone that. I have been looking for all my life. I am totally blown away by the sound. If it never went above 2. But when I cranked it all the way up, it just. It sounds like the Beatles on Volume 1 through 2. Like stoned. Beatles on 3 through 5. Like The Undertones on 1. For the hell of it, I tried. Every volume and tone level combination is sweet. Low volume has chime and sustain, loud volume has growl without issues. These amps have brought me so much joy. They sounded so good with no pedals, I was worried how. Everything in my pedal board sounds better now, especially. Tube Screamer. Do you have a Hughes Kettner Roto. Sphere You might. ASTs. Lately, Ive been playing my ASTs with. There isnt anything I cant do at that. And have you ever tried the volume set to zero and the reverb turned. Im telling you, its cool. My hopes and expectations have been. Your design is a masterpiece. Paul. Leary. Butthole Surfers Carny ProducerI just bought two of your amps from. Musictoyz. I started with the Space Tone 2 weeks ago, just got an Atomic. Space Tone. I produceengineer lots of records a monthly XM radio. Robbies Secret Country with Yep Rock artist Robbie. Fulks. I have a large collection of amps vintage new Marshalls, vintage. VOX, vintage Hi Watt, vintage Fenders, Kustoms, Gretch, Epiphone. Tone King, Magnatone, Dr. Z,  Z Vex,  etc. I have to say the Atomic Space Tone is possibly the best recording amp I have. I am normally a big EL8. EL3. 4 fan. but this amp seems to do it all I dont work with many scooped metal. It sounds great with an old Neve 1. U 4. 7. U 8. 7 or Sennheiser 4. Great reverb the best tube tremlo I have. It is very quiet works extremely well with Joe Barden pickups. You can barely tell the amp is on with that combo, even playing in the control. I cant say enough about. Swarts. Thanks for the great amp, I look. Oh, and thanks to Paul. B H Surfers for the volume on 0 reverb on 1. It will get used around here. Jay ORourke. Rax Trax Studio. Producer Engineer GuitaristThe Atomic Space. Tone is the amp Ive been waiting for for 2. Real tone, lush reverb. Im retiring my Deluxe. John Flansburgh. They Might Be Giants. Am still loving the. I plugged in a Stratocaster and turned up the reverb and tremolo and. Dean Wareham. Galaxy 5. Usb Stepper Motor Controller Schematic here. Luna Dean Britta. Hi Michael,I just wanted to let you. I love your SST 3. I really wanted to send this to you after. I deliberately waited a bit longer to make. Im sure now The tone, build, and craftsmanship. I cannot imagine owning a better built or better sounding. I play out with a bunch of guys on Saturdays and my SST serial 0. Dr. Zs, Victorias, Germinos, and. Fenders that we also use. And those are some pretty nice amps. Id. take the SST over ANY of them Just wanted to say thanks. Whether using my Historic R0 Les Paul or. Eric Johnson Strat the tones are are nothing short of incredible. Im looking forward to. Keep. up the great work. Sincerely, Heinz Werner Swart Amp devotee for life Michael Swart is really onto something special. Im gliding amongst. The Atomic Space Tone has been my go to club amp and Ive. The little 5 watter is getting tons of. It works great with pedals as well. Feels. wonderful to play with nice Sag and compression switch setting for low volume. Greg VGuitarist Etraordinaire. Mike I love you I purchased a 3. V6 combo from G Guitars in New Haven, CT. I love you man I have given up my Marshalls. I customized my Marshalls to KT 8. Ive played since I was. I loved my Marshalls, but. God, Fing thank. I cant say enough. You did what no one else. You are the next Jim Marshall Fk Fender, your are the. God. Thank you for existingWilliam Heinrichs. New Haven, CT. My all time. Atomic Space Tone from boutique. Swart Amplification. I got one of these in for review on. I quite honestly couldnt. I just bought it outright. Tiny light, with just 2. Mojotone speaker, the Atomic Space Tone. Ive had the pleasure to play. In. fact, it blew my tweed Fender Blues Deluxe right out of the wateran. I was quite happy with until the AST came along. Tube reverb. Tube tremolo. JJ5 AR4 rectifier. Dual JJ 6v. 6s for power. AX7 in the preamp. Carbon comp resistors. Tweed. Oxblood covering on a finger jointed, hand made pine cabinet. Ive never played such a soulful amplifier. I havent taken it on stage. I dont expect to have any trouble in a small club. A mic should. take care of it if I do. In fact, looking at Swarts website. I discovered that two of my favorite artists are playing the. Atomic Space Tone as wellJeff Tweedy of Wilco, and the incomparable. Dean Wareham, currently of Luna, but previously frontman of one of my favorite. Galaxie 5. 00. You can see my full review over on my. REVIEW. Swarts Immaculate Atomic Space Tone. Not cheap, and probably not for the. IMHO. Cary Miller Electric Guitar Review. Tube Freaks Guitar Forum. Stu Comments on the Super Space Tone 3. Cab. All new from one of my all time favorite amp designers. Michael Swart. This new amp starts off with clean tones that are very full. This is easily one of the thickest, creamiest, most complex. I have ever heard. There isnt a harsh frequency anywhere. Volume and Tone controls to their maximum settings of 1. There are all kinds of wonderful in between tones to be found. In the Hi gain setting the Super Space is pure creaminess. No mud, just thick, harmonic goodness with gobs of sustain. The Lo gain setting. As with Michaels original 2. Atomic Space Tone, the. Super Space has gorgeous reverb and deep, organic tremolo that will pulse. The Super Space is easily loud enough and has enough headroom. I would ever play, but it is so. Matching cabinet is gorgeous and sounds. Loaded with Dual Celestion greenbacks. Stu. Fat Sound Guitars. Michael,The Super. Space Tone 3. 0 is world class Oh my god what an amp youve built hereIt arrived on Monday, but I was out of town until Thursday. So I picked it up yesterday, got it home, plugged it in nice touch including. It helped. that the GF was out for the evening so I didnt lose that half hour of well. IS a new amp, but its different from that, ya see. I plugged it into a Celestion Gold in a semi open 1 1. Something Id never tried before was cranking the amp vol. Which. is incredible. Okay, so Ive got a whopping hour or two on it, and Im sure. Super 3. 0. I have and worship the AST, but this one has everything. I love about that plus bigger balls and the master that lets you get super. Not sure how it happened, but I managed. Les Paul at conversational levelAnyway, I just wanted to let you know that the amp arrived. I was hoping for and more. And I love the black tweed Thanks very much David Kelly. Michael,At the risk of sounding a little schmaltzy. I really feel like I have been waiting for years to meet your amp. It fills. a place in me as a musician that is so rewarding. Silicon Chip Website EA Projects                ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PROJECT INDEX fileno name pcb date. C2. 9l   1. 0 Wonders Reaction Timer                                Sep 0. BE3. 8i  Experimenting W E Transistors 3                           Sep 0. MC3. 5   PIC Servo Controller                              PIC SERVO Sep 0. PC6. 7   PC Powerup                                        A0atx. Aug 0. 08BE3. 8h  Experimenting W E Transistors 2                           Aug 0. MS5. 4   6. 0 Second Voice Recorder                          OATLEY    Aug 0. CC1. 53  Gameboy IO interface                                       Aug 0. C2. 9k   1. 0 Wonders Rev. Motor driver                             Jul 0. BE3. 8g  Experimenting W E Transistors 1                           Jul 0. TV1. 3   Low Cost Video Fader and Enhancer                 A0vfe. Jul 0. 08C2. 9j   1. Wonders the Urgent Alert                              Jun 0. MS1. 87  8 channel IR Remote Control                       OATLEY    Jun 0. BE3. 8f  Experimenting W E Opamp Cookbook 4                        Jun 0. MS1. 86  2 4 Channel UHF Remote Control system             OATLEY    May 0. BE3. 8e  Experimenting W E Opamp Cookbook 3                        May 0. C2. 9i   1. 0 Wonders Weekly timer                                  May 0. MS5. 3   IR Data Link                                      OATLEY    Apr 0. C2. 9h   1. 0 Wonders Call waiting                                  Apr 0. BE3. 8d  Experimenting W E Opamp Cookbook 2                        Apr 0. M7. 8    LCD Panel Meter                                   A0. LCD0. 4   Apr 0. 02PC6. MOSFET Heater with Temperature Control            OATLEY    Mar 0. MS7. 5   Six channel Sprinkler System see July 9. CLINCH    Mar 0. 08C2. Wonders Electronic candle                             Mar 0. BE3. 8c  Experimenting W E Opamp Cookbook 1                        Mar 0. EG4. 8   Spin FX LED light show                            SPINFX    Mar 0. IA3. 0   Phone Call Screener                               OATLEY    Feb 0. C2. 9f   1. 0 Wonders Electronic elbow                              Feb 0. PC6. 5   7. 50. A Motor Controller 2                         9. Jan 0. 02CC1. 52  1 Megabit EPROM Programmer                        A0. EPP0. 1   Jan 0. 01SE7. VAF I 9. 3 speakers                                           Jan 0. MS1. 85  Wireless IR Extender                              A0. IRX1    Jan 0. 08C2. Wonders Simple siren                                  Jan 0. PC6. 5   7. 50. A Motor Controller 1                         9. Dec 9. 93EG4. 7   Christmas Lights Controller                       9. XLB1. 2   Dec 9. 98C2. Wonders Simple metronome                              Dec 9. TV1. 2   Video Sequencer 4 channel audio               4. S     Nov 9. 92MS7. Sprinkler Doubler                                 9. Nov 9. 98C2. 9c   1. Wonders Precision timer                               Nov 9. IA2. 9   UPN Laser Data Transceiver                        REALTIME  Feb 9. TV1. 1   Video Title Generator                             VTG2. Oct 9. 97MS3. 6   Fan Cooled Dummy Load                                       Oct 9. IT2. 5   1. 2V to 2. V 3. 00. VA Inverter                        OATLEY    Oct 9. C2. 9b   1. 0 Wonders The Millennium bug                            Oct 9. F2. 0    Sub Bass Processor                                9. Sep 9. 92CC1. 51  Stepper Motor Control Module                      Oatley    Sep 9. C2. 9a   1. 0 Wonders Door guard                                    Sep 9. CC1. 50  Plotter for Prototype PCBs info on file                   May 9. CC1. 49  PC driven Video Text Overlay Module               9. OSD8    Aug 9. 96TV1. Low Cost Video Clock Message Generator            VCG2. Aug 9. 93MS1. 84  Digital Timer Enhancement                         9. Aug 9. 98C2. 8z   1. Wonders A tuneful timer                               Aug 9. MS7. 3   Moisture Activated Sprinkler System               Clinch    Jul 9. C2. 8y   1. 0 Wonders Audible resistance checker                    Jul 9. BE3. 8b  Experimenting W E Alarm circuits 1                        Jul 9. CC1. 48  PC Controlled X Y Plotter                         Oatley    Jul 9. PC6. 4   Mains Monitor 2. VAC Controller                  9. Jun 9. 98C2. 8x   1. Wonders Batesian fake car alarm                     Jun 9. MA6. 8   The Brick Add on Power Amplifier                 9. Jun 9. 93MS1. 83  Lighting the way with IR LED Illuminators         Allthings May 9. SC1. 7   Surround Sound Decoder with Digital Delay         9. May 9. 98C2. 8w   1. Wonders A peak level monitor for meters               May 9. TC2. 6   A Solid State 2. MHz Transverter               DSE       Apr 7. AO4. 7   Low cost Clock and Pulse Generator                9. Apr 9. 93MS1. 82b The Cybug Robot Insect turns into a Predator      DSE       Apr 9. C2. 8v   1. 0 Wonders The reminder                                  Apr 9. ST2. 7b  3. 2 Channel, 1. MSs Digital Logic Analyser        TANTAU    Apr 9. MS1. 82a Cybug, the Robot Insect                           DSE       Mar 9. C2. 8u   1. 0 Wonders Sound operated trigger                        Mar 9. ST2. 7a  3. 2 Channel 1. MSs Logic Analyser 1             TANTAU    Mar 9. ST2. 6b  Putting a CPLD to work 2 Trigger Adaptor MKII 9. Feb 9. 98C2. 8t   1. Wonders Novelty nightlight                            Feb 9. RO7. 5b  Receiver for the VNG Clock 2                    0. Feb 9. 93AU8. 1   The Screecher Car Alarm Mk. II                      9. Jan 9. 91MS5. 2   Solid State Voice Recorder                        OATLEY    Jan 9. BE3. 8a  Experimenting W E Simple testing circuits                 Jan 9. RO7. 5a  Receiver for the VNG Clock 1 ref 7RO7. Jan 9. 98C2. 8s   1. Wonders Quiz timer                                    Jan 9. SE7. 8   Outstanding 3 Way Speaker System 1. Dec 9. 83EG4. 6   Intelligent Doorbell Using a BASIC Stamp                    Dec 9. B2. 0    Tiny Shielded Resistance Box                                Dec 9. C2. 8r   1. 0 Wonders Sparkling Christmas lights                    Dec 9. ST2. 6a  Putting a CPLD to work 1                                  Nov 9. C2. 8q   1. 0 Wonders Mini roulette                                 Nov 9. C4. 1b   A PC Based DSO Adaptor Mk. DSOA3. 31   Nov 9. PRE4. 1  Preamp for Tape Heads                             9. Nov 9. 87C4. 1a   A PC Based DSO Adaptor Mk. DSOA3. 31   Oct 9. PC6. 3   Signal controlled Mains Power Switch              9. Oct 9. 88BE3. 7z  Experimenting W E Voltage converters 2                    Oct 9. C2. 8p   1. 0 Wonders Precision temperature alarm                   Oct 9. DT1. 85b Designers Guide to Charging Li Ion Batteries 2            Sep 9. CC1. 47  Front End for PC Audio Recording soundcard    9. Sep 9. 88C2. 8o   1. Wonders Designer door alert                           Sep 9. MS1. 81  Intelligent Baby Alarm BASIC stamp controller             Sep 9. ST2. 5   Line output and Flyback Transformer Tester        DSE       Aug 9. EG4. 5   Low cost SMT Mini Light Chaser                    4. Aug 9. 88C2. 8n   1. Wonders Mailbox monitor                     9. Aug 9. 82CC1. 46  Instrument Front End for PC Soundcards          9. Aug 9. 83AU8. 0   Motorcycle Intercom                               9. Jul 9. 88C2. 8m   1.