Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 English

Second Galactic Civil War Wookieepedia. Second Galactic Civil WarIts foolish to cast the Galactic Alliance as the Empire and Corellia as the Rebel Alliance. Because thats what it might come to, a rebelliona stupid and unnecessary one. Luke Skywalker, 4. ABYsrcThe Second Galactic Civil War, alternatively known as the Confederation Galactic Alliance War, New Galactic Civil War, the second Corellian Insurrection, or simply Civ. War Two, lasting from 4. The time has come to mourn the death of yet another sporty car nameplate. This one doesnt affect the North American market, and while inevitable, its kind of a. Additonal JA2 1. 13 Stuff. Cool stuff to modify your game even more Reference. Ja2UBJA21. 13 Mods DownloadInstall Guide. Listing of 1. 13 Related Mods, Conversions. Western New Guinea, also known as Papua formerly Irian Jaya and West Papua, is the part of the island of New Guinea also known as Papua annexed by Indonesia in 1962. ABY to 4. 1 ABY, was a conflict originally between the Five Worldswhich later grew to become an interstellar alliance known as the Confederationand the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. The conflict began when the Corellian system seceded from the Alliance over local defense limitations and increased taxes to pay for reconstruction in the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong War, and gained allies such as Bothawui, Bespin, and Fondor, forming the Confederation. As the conflict quickly escalated, the New Jedi Order battled the rebels alongside the Alliance. Many who had once been allies during the First Galactic Civil War and Yuuzhan Vong War found themselves on opposing sides during the conflict. Eventually, many events in the war became uncontrollable, with a decisive fleet victory proving impossible. Amid months of desultory naval skirmishing, the Galactic Alliance Guard was formed in the name of state security, and under Jacen Solos command committed acts such as the internment and assassination of dissidents that were increasingly viewed as dictatorial. In a coup, Admiral. Cha Niathal and Colonel. Jacen Solo ousted Chief of State. Cal Omas and took his place on Coruscant. Corrupted by and apprenticed to the Sith Lady. NXww-aIrw/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 English' title='Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 English' />Lumiya, Jacen secretly became Darth Caedus, the new Dark Lord of the Sith after killing Mara Jade Skywalker. An attempt by the Confederation to push into the Core Worlds was halted at the Battles of Kuat and Balmorra, but the increasing authoritarianism of the GAs government led the New Jedi Order to withdraw from the Alliance, and in the aftermath of Caeduss actions at the Battle of Kashyyyk, they formed the Jedi Coalition. Following this battle, the war became a three way conflict. The war continued with the Galactic Alliance now facing two rebellious factions. The Jedi destroyed. Centerpoint Station to prevent it from falling into Alliance hands but failed to capture Caedus. The latter allied himself with the Imperial Remnant, and a major battle occurred at Fondor, the Confederations largest shipyard. During the Second Battle of Fondor, Grand Admiral. Gilad Pellaeon was executed after refusing to obey Caeduss orders, and Niathal and her allies joined the Jedi Coalition as the Alliance in exile after refusing to bombard civilian population centers. Concurrently, Jedi Knight. Jaina Solo trained under Boba Fett, leader of the Mandalorians, in order to take down her brother, who was by this time completely consumed by the dark side. Broadcom 802.11N Driver Windows 7 X64 on this page. As Caedus, Niathal, and the Confederations forces continued to fight, Luke Skywalker planned to create a trap that would allow Jaina to kill her brother. In a climactic duel, Jaina defeated Darth Caedus as well as his New Sith Order. With Niathals faction of the Galactic Alliance, the Jedi retook control of Coruscant and defeated Caedus Alliance and Imperial faction, placing Jagged Fel as the leader of the Imperial Remnant. Tense relations between the Alliance and the Jedi resulting from the war continued in its aftermath, and the Confederation refused to formally rejoin the Galactic Alliance. To make things worse, Darth Caedus actions had accidentally awoken Abeloth, the Mother of Chaos. After the Vong. EditThere are times when the end justifies the means. But when you build an argument based on a whole series of such times, you may find that youve constructed an entire philosophy of evil. Luke SkywalkersrcFollowing the conclusion of the Yuuzhan Vong War, much of the galaxy had been ravaged by the Yuuzhan Vong. However, Corellia had emerged relatively unscathed, placing it in a position to increase its already impressive economic power and offer reconstruction loans to less fortunate planets. Nearly a decade after the Yuuzhan Vongs defeat, the economies of most sectors and systems were rebounding richer worlds were assisting poorer ones and populations that had escaped harm pledged to assist those that had not. Karna Das Mp3 Songs Free Download here. Corellia was rewarded by the Galactic Alliance with the removal of the office of the Governor General. The Five Brothers were united through a system government, with each planet electing its own Head of State and the system led by Prime Minister. Aidel Saxan. As the Five Worlds prospered, it forgave wartime criminals like Thrackan Sal Solo, who was subsequently elected the systems Minister of War and Head of State of Corellia. However, into this relative peace came the return of historical tensions between the central government and outlying worlds the destruction of the galactic economy during the war led to poverty and unrest, while Galactic Alliance rebuilding efforts were hampered by inefficiency and corruption. Economic gains in some systems were mirrored by losses in others, breeding resentment and accusations of favoritism. Corellia began to chafe under the Galactic Alliance as it previously had under the New Republic and Galactic Republic Corellian money and Corellian Defense Force ships were being used by the Galactic Alliance for reconstruction across the galaxy, with apparently little in return for Corellia except for restrictions on its fleet and its ability to strike trade agreements with other systems. The Swarm War. Edit. In 3. 5 ABY, the Galactic Alliance was caught up in the Swarm War between the Killiks and the Chiss. The conflict revealed that the Galactic Alliance Defense Force was ill prepared for a major war, and the Galactic Alliance Senate passed measures requiring more reconstruction taxes and military resources from the GAs member states. Some systems and sectors balked at the idea of handing over more money and warships to centralized control, and this was compounded by the Sector Defense Limits of 3. ABY. The galaxys various Planetary Security Forces were being dramatically expanded by governments that feared piracy, threats from the Unknown Regions, or other conflicts in the destabilized galaxy. The Sector Defense Limits put ceilings on military forces and their capabilities, but enforcement proved difficult and little could be done to stop determined sectors from re arming. The Swarm War coincided with the return of Jacen Solo to the New Jedi Order. Solo had left the Jedi after being exposed to the philosophy of the Jedi mystic Vergere during the Yuuzhan Vong War, who held that the dark side of the Force was not inherently corrupting or evil, as the Jedi believed. While making a five year odyssey learning from various different Force traditions throughout the galaxy, Solo experienced a terrible vision of a dark, armored figure ruling the galaxy. Determined to alter this future, he came to believe that any level of sacrifice was justified in the name of the greater good. During the Swarm War, he even advocated for the extermination of the Killiks in the name of preserving galactic peace. This philosophy would come to inform many of his decisions during the Second Galactic Civil War. Corellian re armament. Western New Guinea Wikipedia. Coordinates 40. S1. E 4. S 1. 36. 0. 00E 4. Western New Guinea PapuaIrian Barat. Irian Jaya. West Papua. Region, Territory, Country, Colony. Country Indonesia. Autonomous Region. Papua,West Papua. Cities. Jayapura,Manokwari,Sorong,Wamena,Timika,Merauke. Highest point. Puncak Jaya  location. Sudirman Range  elevation. S1. 371. 1E 4. S 1. E 4. Area. 42. 0,5. Population. 4,3. 63,8. Density. 10km. 2 2. Timezone. Indonesia Eastern Time UTC9ISO 3. ID IJLicense plate. DSPAPBWestern New Guinea, also known as Papua formerly Irian Jaya and West Papua1, is the part of the island of New Guinea also known as Papua annexed by Indonesia in 1. Lying to the west of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, it is the only Indonesian territory to be situated in Oceania. The territory also includes nearby islands, including the Schouten and Raja Ampat archipelagoes. The region is predominantly covered with ancient rainforest where numerous traditional tribes live such as the Dani of the Baliem Valley, although a large proportion of the population live in or near coastal areas, now a majority of which consists of recent transmigrants from Java and other provinces of Indonesia. The largest city in the region is Jayapura. The official and most commonly spoken language is Indonesiancitation needed. Estimates of the number of tribal languages in the region range from 2. Dani, Yali, Ekari and Biak. The predominant religion is Christianity often combined with traditional beliefs followed by Islam. The main industries include agriculture, fishing, oil production, and mining. The territory has been administered by Indonesia since May 1. Act of Free Choice supervised by the Indonesian military junta in 1. Papuans. 31 The indigenous Melanesian population at the end of 1. Asiatic population at the end of 1. Transmigration from the Indonesian islands of Sumatera, Java, Bali and Sulawesi is the main cause of the inflation of the Asiatic population. Meanwhile, the population growth of the Melanesian population has been slowed by over half a century of what has been described as genocidal policies from the Indonesian state apparatus. Human habitation is estimated to have begun between 4. The Netherlands claimed the region and commenced missionary work in the nineteenth century. The region was annexed by Indonesia in the 1. West Papuans. 68Following the 1. Indonesia, Papua and other Indonesian provinces received greater regional autonomy. In 2. 00. 1, Special Autonomy status was granted to Papua province, although to date, implementation has been partial and often criticized. The region was administered as a single province until 2. Papua and West Papua. Access to West Papua by foreign journalists, non governmental organizations, and academic researchers is under close control by the Indonesian administration, which often rejects visa applications. As formerly in East Timor, Indonesias former colonial territory, the Indonesian administration takes great effort at controlling and filtering the information that gets out of West Papua. Speakers align themselves with a political orientation when choosing a name for the western half of the island of New Guinea. West Papua, which is not the official Indonesian name for the western half of the island, is the name preferred by ethnic Papuans. The region has had the official names of Netherlands New Guinea 1. West New Guinea 1. West Irian or Irian Barat 1. Irian Jaya 1. 97. Papua 2. 00. 22. When the region was administratively one in Indonesia, Indonesian officials criticised activists use of the term West Papua, because they thought that the term implied that the province was not a part of Indonesia. Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid considered his short lived use of the name Papua in 2. West Papuans. 1. 4 Since 2. New Guinea has had two provinces the province of West Papua on the west, and the province of Papua on the east. Since 2. 01. 4, the official name of the political group that represents the Melanesian population of western New Guinea in the Melanesian Spearhead Group is the United Liberation Movement for West Papua ULMWP. In brief, Indonesian officials and administrators refer to the province when they say West Papua while most of the Melanesian population, independence activists, and non governmental organizations mean the whole of western New Guinea. GeographyeditThe region is 1,2. It has an area of 4. Indonesias land area. The border with Papua New Guinea mostly follows the 1. Fly River. 1. 7The island of New Guinea was once part of the Australian landmass and lie on the Sahul. The collision between the Indo Australian Plate and Pacific plate resulting in the Maoke Mountains run through the centre of the region and are 6. The range includes about ten peaks over 4,0. Puncak Jaya 4,8. Puncak Mandala 4,7. Puncak Trikora 4,7. The range ensures a steady supply of rain from the tropical atmosphere. The tree line is around 4,0. Both north and west of the central ranges the land remains mountainous mostly 1,0. The highland areas feature alpine grasslands, jagged bare peaks, montane forests, rainforests, fast flowing rivers, and gorges. Swamps and low lying alluvial plains of fertile soil dominate the southeastern section around the town of Merauke. Swamps also extend 3. Asmat region. The rugged and hilly topography of Western New Guinea. The province has 4. The Mamberamo river is the provinces largest and runs through the north of the province. The result is a large area of lakes and rivers known as the Lakes Plains region. The southern lowlands, habitats of which included mangrove, tidal and freshwater swamp forest and lowland rainforest, are home to populations of fishermen and gatherers such as the Asmat people. The Baliem Valley, home of the Dani people, is a tableland 1,6. The dry season across the region is generally between May and October although drier in these months, rain persists throughout the year. Strong winds and rain are experienced along the north coast in November through to March. However, the south coast experiences an increase in wind and rain between April and October, which is the dry season in the Merauke area, the only part of Western New Guinea to experience distinct seasons. Coastal areas are generally hot and humid, whereas the highland areas tend to be cooler. Intel R Pro 1000 Mt Network Connection Vista Driver on this page. EcologyeditLying in the Asia Australian transition zone near Wallacea, the regions flora and fauna include Asiatic, Australian, and endemic species. The region is 7. The island has an estimated 1. The mountainous areas and the north are covered with dense rainforest. Highland vegetation also includes alpine grasslands, heath, pine forests, bush and scrub. The vegetation of the south coast includes mangroves and sago palms, and in the drier southeastern section, eucalypts, paperbarks, and acacias. Marsupial species dominate the region there are an estimated 7. The region is the only part of Indonesia to have kangaroos, marsupial mice, bandicoots, and ring tailed possums. The approximately 7. Approximately 4. 50 of these species are endemic. Birds of paradise can be found in Kepala Burung and Yapen. The region is also home to around 8.