Aspen Line Constants Program Software

AspenLineConstantsProgramSoftwareElectrocon International Inc. CAPE software for Protection Engineers Short Circuit. Screen-Shot-2015-06-26-at-7.40.18-AM.png' alt='Aspen Line Constants Program Software' title='Aspen Line Constants Program Software' />Electrocon has redefined what you can expect from a short circuit program. With CAPE Short Circuit you can instantly compute any fault quantities for any type of fault in a network of any size. Thats quite a statement once you understand what any type of fault means. It means CAPE not only simulates standard faults but also faults involving any number of buses at one time with user specified connections and impedances among the phases of those buses. Whether you need to study normal faults when setting relays or very complex fault conditions such as faults between voltage levels in a post mortem mode, this program has the horsepower for the job. Since this program has CAPEs full macro facility, set facility, and Users Programming Language, it has the flexibility to automate studies you havent dreamed of yet. Share on Facebook, opens a new window Share on Twitter, opens a new window Share on LinkedIn Share by email, opens mail client 1 Associate Prof., Department of. Thats why we say that Short Circuit is the computational foundation of the whole CAPE system. One Line Diagram interface The easiest way to work with SC is through its One Line Diagram interface. To open or close a breaker, click on a line end or a switchtie symbol. Then, when you are ready to apply a fault, click on a bus. Results are automatically displayed everywhere on the diagram. The actual quantities and their format are controlled by previously defined Style Templates that you build with a pop up form. You can display any quantities already known to Short Circuit or quantities that you tell CAPE how to compute. You can zoom and pan the diagram to show any part of your system, or split the screen to show several different parts of it at once. SecurityStudy. For convenience, you can turn on or off any voltage level in your diagram. Practical C# Charts And Graphics Free. You can also access and edit your data from the diagram or from the Data Tree and then tell SC to rebuild its network model. Data tree, menu, and keyboard interfaces CAPE doesnt require you to build a one line diagram to perform fault studies. Use the Explorer like Data Tree, click the lightning bolt icon, or click Apply Fault in the Action Bar to begin a fault study. CAPE helps you find any bus, line, tie, or generator with only a few clicks of the mouse no matter how large your case. Just follow the prompts to get immediate, productive results. A pop up will help you choose other buses to report, or simply drag a bus from the Data Tree to the report area. More experienced users may prefer to dispense with the mouse and enter abbreviated commands in the CAPE Command Line. Multiple text and graphics displays At times you may want Short Circuit to display a one line diagram, at other times textual displays, and sometimes both at once. Or, you may want to compare two studies side by side. CAPE has a multiple window interface that allows you to see as much or as little graphics as you wish. You may have one, two, or four graphics and text windows. Just click Split in the Window menu and drag the window boundaries to set their sizes to suit your needs. The text font and size and the magnification level of graphics are all separately controllable in each window. Advanced fault analysis algorithm The admittance matrix model and sophisticated solution algorithms employed by CAPE Short Circuit SC allow you to study any size network without reduction. Faults on systems with thousands of buses are computed just as quickly as on systems of only a few buses, in a fraction of a second. Images/Products/Products/Engineering_Products/dynamics-pressure-relief-sizing-lg-11-2431.jpg' alt='Aspen Line Constants Program Software' title='Aspen Line Constants Program Software' />NATURA AMORE ARTE ANIMALI CITT NATALIZI RICORRENZE PAESAGGI FIORI VARIE Dipinto di Salvador Domnec Felip Jacint Dal, Olio su Tela Noia alla finestra. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. There is no compromise in accuracy. Through its graphical interface, SC produces reports when and where requested there is generally no need to store massive printouts of entire system studies for future reference. NIST Menu. Topics Expand or Collapse. Advanced Communications Bioscience Buildings and Construction. Well known for speed, easeofuse and accuracy, ASPEN software is the favorite tool of power industry engineers in large and small companies worldwide. International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications IJERA is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research. Search metadata Search full text of books Search TV captions Search archived web sites Advanced Search. Astronomical Information. Our products include almanacs, software and web services providing precise astronomical data. Disciplines and Techniques. Phase and sequence voltages and currents are reported in terms of engineering units, per unit, or a mixture of the two. Unlimited fault types. Conventional programs handle only balanced three phase, phase to phase line to line, balanced two phase to ground and one phase to ground single line to ground faults. While these are usually adequate for routine studies, they cannot be used to simulate many real life faults in detail so called postmortem analyses. SC allows you to construct your own fault definitions, consisting of any connection among phases and ground with arbitrary impedances, then to apply the fault anywhere in the network. In CAPE a fault is defined very generally as any kind of unbalanced condition or network. This includes series faults such as open or fallen conductors, arbitrary simultaneous faults involving any number of buses, and faults with arbitrary impedances or current injections. Short Circuit supports fault event reconstruction, not just setting studies. It allows you to construct your own fault definitions and to apply them anywhere in the network. Detailed and accurate network models The network model is complete and general. This includes real life, complex bus structures, the phase shifts introduced by transformers, differing positive and negative sequence impedances, off nominal transformer phase and tap ratios, bus ties and switches, transmission line charging, and mutual coupling between transmission lines. Neutral buses of generators and transformers may be interconnected in any fashion, and any neutral bus may be faulted. CTs and relays may be placed on neutral networks too. Multiple generators and motors at a bus may be modeled individually and identified in reports with user specified names. While a flat prefault voltage profile may be assumed, actual prefault voltages and loads can be obtained from CAPE Power Flow via the database. If you have transformers modeled with off nominal tap ratios as most companies do and do not have a stored power flow solution, you may initialize with the approximate but more realistic generator profile method. CAPE offers detailed models when you need them and traditional models when you dont. Interactive network contingencies It is easy to apply one or more network changes, apply one or more faults, and then restore the system to normal. Lines may be removed, grounded, or opened at one end. A grounded line allows zero sequence currents to circulate if it is mutually coupled to an active line during an earth fault. New nodes may be inserted anywhere along a line to study close in, mid line sliding, and line end faults. Transformers, tapped lines, and multiterminal lines can be removed in a single step. Bus ties may be opened or closed. Generators, motors, and other shunt devices may be outaged temporarily. All network changes can be restored on a selective basis. In addition, any permanently out of service equipment may be placed back in service until further notice with the mouse. Snapshots of the network condition can be taken, stored, and recalled at any time. Optional modeling of load currents In addition to the usual classical analysis in which load currents are neglected, SC can optionally include loads and realistic non flat voltages in its system model. The most practical way to provide correct initial conditions to SC is through a power flow solution. Power flow results are stored in the database for access by SC. The CAPE Power Flow PF is a full, production grade program for transmission planning, but it also makes possible more accurate fault analyses and therefore more reliable relay settings, particularly in cases of high impedance faults. More information on PF is given elsewhere under Power Flow.